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7 Ways to control high blood pressure

By making 7 lifestyle changes, you can increase your blood pressure and reduce your risk of heart disease.

Although you have been diagnosed with high blood pressure, you must be worried about taking medication to forward numbers down.
If you control high blood pressure you can get a healthy lifestyle you might avoid, delay or reduce the need for medication.

There are 7 lifestyle changes your mind and u can make to increase your blood pressure & healthy life :

    1. Increase your blood pressure / lose your extra waistline: As you gain weight, various hormonal diseases begin to disrupt your nostrils and, due to the lack of physical fitness, your body's high blood pressure is likely to increase as different parts of your body begin to decay.
v  Men are at risk if their waist measurement is greater than 40 inches (102 centimeters).

v Women are at risk, if their waist measurement is greater than 35 inches (89 centimeters).

2. Regularly Exercise: Regular exercise helps keep your body and mind healthy if you exercise for 150 minutes a week or most days for about 25-30minutes, your blood pressure will decrease. It plays a vital role in reducing high blood pressure; you need to remember that regular exercise helps to lower your blood pressure, for example, You can do the walking, running, cycling, swimming, etc. Time yourself at least 3-5 days a week. Hopefully, you will be able to reduce your high blood pressure.
3. Eat healthy food: Eating a portion of healthy food is rich in whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy products and skimps on saturated fat and cholesterol can increase your blood pressure by up to 10 mm Hg if you have high blood pressure. This plan is known as the Approaches to Stop Hypertension.it's not easy to change your eating habits, but with these tips, you can adopt a healthy routine Writing down what you eat, even for just a week, can shed light on your true eating habits. u can be monitoring how much eat when and why? The best source of potassium. Potassium can lessen the effects of sodium on blood pressure such as fruits and vegetables, rather than supplements. Talk to your doctor about the potassium level that is best for you.when u buy food and visit the shop and stick to your healthy-eating plan when you're dining.

4.Quit smoking: Smoking injurious to health, it causes cancer. cigarette smoke increases your blood pressure when u continuously smoking.  smoking stop helps your blood pressure return to normal. when u Quit smoking can reduce your risk of heart disease and improve your overall health.
5. You drink Limitation set amount of alcohol: Alcohol could be good and bad both for your health. By drinking alcohol only in moderation — often one drinks a day for female, or two a day for male you can potentially lower your blood pressure by about 3.5mm Hg. One drink equals 10 ounces of beer, five ounces of wine or  80-proof liquor of1.5ouncesif you drink too much alcohol but that protective effect is lost. Drinking more than moderate amounts of alcohol can actually raising blood pressure by several points. It can also decrease the effectiveness of blood pressure medications.

6. Cut back recommended caffeine: Fatigue and an inability to concentrate reason caffeine withdrawal is real and can cause symptoms like a pounding headache, That's why from your daily routine you shouldn't abruptly purge caffeine. Try mixing caffeinated coffee with decaf, or progressively adding more water to your coffee maker a few mornings. so brew your coffee weaker," Giancoli says that"You get more caffeine the stronger it's brewed,  And if you usually have, say, two cups when you wake up or two cans of soda a day,& allowing yourself to adjust to your new intake. You're still getting that hot beverage.

7. Drinks lots of waterThe other name of pure water is that we all know that life. On the other hand, water is very important for our body. About 70% of our body is covered by water, and if we drink too much water, the body's maturation works very well, solving various physical problems. So you have to drink more water.

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