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Your 6-Move Hip Mobility Warm-Up


1. World’s Greatest Stretch


1. Start in a plank position, hands on the floor stacked directly under shoulders, core engaged, body in straight line from head to heels.
2. Step right foot forward and outside of right hand.
3. Lift right hand, place behind head, and lower right elbow toward the floor.
4. Then reach elbow toward the ceiling, as you rotate torso to the right. Hold for 3 seconds.
5. Place hand back down and step right leg back to plank. Then, repeat on the left side. Continue alternating for 5 reps on each side
2. Banded Ankle Kick-Slides
1. Place a looped band around ankles and stand with feet hip-width apart. Sit back slightly into hips. Standing on left leg, drive right leg out to the side, straightening knee.
2. Then step back to hip-width. Repeat for 10 reps.
3. Then, drive right leg diagonally behind you, straightening knee. Then step back to hip-width.
4. Repeat for 10 reps. Then switch sides. Do 10 reps each on left side.
3. Banded Glute Bridge
1. Place a looped band around thighs, above knees. Lie on back, knees bent, feet flat on the floor, about 6 inches in front of glutes and hip-distance apart. Without letting knees fall inward, engage core and glutes as you push through heels to raise hips toward ceiling.
2. Slowly lower back down. Repeat for 15 reps.
4. Dynamic Banded Glute Bridge
1. Place a looped band around thighs, above knees. Lie on your back, knees bent, feet flat on the floor, about 6 inches in front of glutes and hip-distance apart. Without letting knees fall inward, engage core and glutes as you push through heels to raise hips toward ceiling.
2. Slowly walk feet about 3 small steps forward, then walk them back under knees. Keep hips lifted the entire time. Repeat for 5 reps.
6. Half-Frog Straddle Stretch
1. Begin kneeling on the floor. Extend right leg straight out to the side, foot planted. Bring left foot slightly outward so knee bends 90 degrees. Bend forward at the waist and place forearms on the floor in front of you, back slightly arched.
2. Gently rock forward and backward for 5 breaths, then switch legs.

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