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The dead person infected with the coronavirus does not spread the virus

1. To date, it has not been proven that the virus has spread to another person's body from the dead

2. The bodies can be cremated, buried or buried according to their own religious rules

3. No special transportation is needed to transport the bodies

4. There is no need for any kind of chemical spray on the body

5. The dead person who bathes will wear a mask, a pair of gloves and a disposable gown.

6. Can go to the body but cannot be touched, and if touched for any reason, wash your hands with soapy water.

7. There are no special precautions for burial
Let's honor the dead. Don't panic Those of us who are dying of the coronavirus are some of us. End the farewell with respect.

Reference: March 28, 2012 published by WHO (World Health Organization) Infection Prevention and Control for the safe management
of a dead body in the context of COVID-19

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