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How to burn 400 CALORIES in 30 miniutes?

Take advantage of the exercises that burn the most calories with these strategic, 30-minute cardio workouts. Wondering which exercises burn the most calories? You've found  With these five cardio workouts, you'll torch up to 400 calories in only half-hour. 

In fact, you don't need the gym at all the same for these awesome YouTube workouts!. Whether you want to train at home, outside, in a hotel, or do your cardio workout at the gym, we've got a 400-calorie workout plan for you.

Running workout:

If you're wondering what exercise burns the most calories, running almost always lands near the top of the list—and for good reason. Jogging at a 6 MPH pace torches about 600 calories in an hour.


Ryan designed this high-intensity interval running plan so that it's suitable for all fitness levels, but even the "beginner" plan is a challenging 400-calorie workout. And if you love it, you should definitely try these other interval running workouts.

If you are not keen on the treadmill, be happy to require this 400-calorie workout routine outside. In the absence of a digital speed control, smith recommends a "comfortable run" for the three-minute intervals and "uncomfortably fast/on the verge of a full out sprint" for the shorter sprints. Also try this 30-day treadmill challenge that's actually fun.

Not a runner? Follow the same guidelines for a power walk and/or jogging intervals instead—just note that the 400-calorie workout total may change since running burns more calories than walking.

Stair-Climbing Challenge:

Can't get stoked about climbing a stairway to… nowhere? You're not alone. Shake things up and obtain faster results with this stair-stepping 400-calorie workout with dumbbells. By adding weight to functional movements you'll mimic everyday activities like carrying grocery bags up the stairs, you'll work more muscles directly and increase your calorie burn.


we recommend employing a set of 4- to 5-pound dumbbells for this 400-calorie workout, counting on fitness level. If you ever desire you would possibly lose your balance, stay safe by setting the weights down on the console until you discover your footing. Unless otherwise noted below, carry the dumbbells during a "grocery bag position," which suggests one in each hand as if holding onto two grocery bags, arms down by sides. 

Zumba dancing:


Zumba or dancing is a workout that is perfect for people who want to have fun while losing weight. With only 1-2 minutes break during the session, you can burn somewhere between 400-500 calories, depending on your weight and intensity. Exercising with other people who are on the same journey will also boost your confidence and keep you on track.


The sport can also improve coordination, even in the most extreme cases. smith studies the neuromuscular benefits of kickboxing training for people with multiple sclerosis (MS), a condition in which poor communication between the brain and muscles can lead to falls or problems with activities that believe multitasking, like walking and talking. Kickboxing helps strengthen neuromuscular control in people with the disease in ways in which improve balance, mobility and dual-tasking activities, he found.

The benefits likely apply to older adults as well. Kickboxing improves both sorts of balance that the body requires—anticipatory and reactive—and better balance reduces the danger of falls or muscle weakness.


When you begin swimming, build up gradually. When you do too much too soon, your risk of injury increases, even though swimming is a no-impact sport.

Start with one to three swims a week, for 10 to 30 minutes each. Each week, add another 5 minutes.
smith stresses that it’s important to rest whenever needed. In the beginning, you'll swim a lap, take an opportunity, and swim another lap, continuing this pattern throughout the workout.smith says that the number of calories you burn when you swim depends on factors that include:

  1. Duration 
  2. Intensity
  3. Swim stoke
  4. Weight 
  5. Swiming efficiency
The rate at which your body burns calories for energy is known as your metabolism. When you exercise, your metabolism increases. How much effect this has and how long it lasts depends on a variety of factors including your gender, body composition, and the activity you’re doing.

“A 150-pound person will burn roughly 400 calories during an hour-long swim at a moderate pace and 700 at a vigorous one,” says smith an exercise physiologist, triathlete, and founder of Team smith. Those numbers don’t hold true for everyone. 

Weight training:

 Calories burned during individual activities maybe low, however, weight-based workouts continue to burn extra calories after the activity is completed.


This means when calculating calories for a workout involving things like weight lifting or pushups or pullups etc, it’s much better to look at the whole workout to get an estimate of calorie burn, rather than specific sports activities.
A 200lb person doing a 60-minute bodyweight workout involving planks, pull-ups, squats, lunges, and pushups will burn around 600 calories. For example some common bodyweight exercises are:
  1. Pushup
  2. Squats
  3. Pull-ups
  4. Jumping Jack
  5. Sit-ups
  6. Planks
  7. Lunges
  8. Crunches

Rope jumping:

In addition to burning calories, jumping jacks can also help to increase your aerobic capacity or cardiovascular fitness.
The movement involved in jumping jacks is particularly good for strengthening muscles in your lower body, including your:
  1. calves
  2. quads
  3. glutes
  4. hip flexors
  5. hamstrings

Your upper body, including your back, shoulders, and core will also benefit.

A person may burn slightly more calories when bicycling outside. Bicycling at a moderate pace outdoors may burn the following number of calories over a 30-minute time span

  1. 125 pounds240 calories
  2. 155 pounds: 298 calories
  3. 185 pounds: 355 calories
Some people may choose to do BMX or mountain biking. This tends to cause a person to burn more calories because the person may be going up hills and navigating rocky, uneven terrain.

Is burning 400 Calories a day enough to lose weight?

Yes, burning 400 calories per day is good for reasonable weight loss per week. If you want to lose a pound of fat, you need to burn 3500 calories. If you burn 400 calories per day, by the end of the week, you will burn 2800 calories, which means you will lose a pound of fat.
Following the right nutrition plan and taking proper rest can help you lose more than 5 pounds in a month. Remember, gradual weight loss is always better than following fad diets and workout routines that cause long-term injury.

Other Fun Ways To Lose Calories:

  1. Do gardening, be it in your backyard or someone else’s. Gardening can be quite tiring, and it will earn brownie points with your friends and family.
  2. Clean the house. You may listen to your favorite music to keep you engaged and entertained.
  3. Convince a friend to play racquetball with you every day for 45 minutes.
  4. Learn to play an instrument. There is enough mental and physical strain to burn plenty of calories.
  5. Laugh! Yes, laughing also burns calories.

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